Sunday, January 13, 2008

Back in action.

Well, after a nice one month break I'm back here in the frozen north. I was sad to leave paradise, but it has to be least, that's what I keep telling myself.

For all of you who were keeping track of my report card up here in college, you'll be happy to know that I somehow managed all 'A's. Not bad for being out of the game for six years. Granted, most of the courses were piddly little intro courses that every incumbent is required to take, but still. The real stuff starts this semester with Calculus and Zoology courses added to some remaining standard required classes. I'm worried about the Calculus. The only 'C' I ever received since starting college way back in 1999 was in math. I'm definitely not math-minded.

The finance situation will hopefully improve this semester. I have some money making schemes that I hope to employ; all legal, of course. I really don't want to have to take a 3rd job, but I'm keeping that as a last resort. There's always the possibility of running into a rich philanthropist who feels like giving away a million or so dollars to the first person he sees...I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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