Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First week of Spring '09

Hello and welcome back to the crazy little disaster that I call life. Last semester had a surprisingly painless ending once my final grades were posted. I sure am glad my professors use funky math because that's the only way I ended up with 3 A's and a B. I bombed two final exams and still ended up with those grades. Thank goodness for weighted lab grades. This semester is turning out to be a crazy one...well, they all are, so at least I'm consistent. I have genetics, my second semester of physics and, after an 8 year break, my second semester of chemistry. I will most likely be continuing with the salamander research as well.

One new thing that I've been asked to head up is the dilapidated Biology Club. In it's glory days, the club would take different types of trips to all sorts of cool natural places. The purpose is for biology majors to actually be able to get out there and enjoy the subject that we sacrifice our lives to study. I hope to be able to get a lot of people signed up and plan some cool trips.

As if that wasn't enough to do, I will be applying for a third job. The amount of money I'm making at my current two just will not cover my expenses.

I leave you with a funny picture that illustrates the craziness of university life. The first week of school, the bookstore is about as crowded as Disney World on a holiday. The lines snake their way all the way to the back of the store.