Monday, October 29, 2007

Progress report

Well, nothing new is going on up here, so I figure I should just give an update on my academic situation. I'm barely holding on to an "A" average and may have just dropped to a "B" in one of my classes.

Surprisingly enough, the class that I thought I'd get a "B" in, World Literature, is the class that I may end up getting an "A" in. I just received my second paper back from the literature professor and it was an "A" for the second time. The papers each count for 25% of the grade, so two "A"s and an 88% on the midterm give me good odds of getting an "A" assuming I receive a good grade on the final exam.

Another class has turned out differently than I originally expected, unfortunately it's not not as positive as the first. I started out very strong in philosophy class, but I may drop to a "B" after the result of this last exam.

The other classes seem to be strong "A"s so hopefully I will be able to hold on to those.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Glendora said...

With the load you are carrying and
two jobs don't feel bad about a B.
We will miss you tomorrow night
at the fall fest. Your Mom and
I are both working. Me at
registration and she at one of
the games for the young children
See you soon Grandmother